Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2016


NAMA ANGGOTA         :

1.             Abie Galih Karli
2.             Eko Ari Sunarwanto
3.             Gayuh Wicaksono
4.             Jessy Chaleda Salman
5.             Syarifah Hidayah

Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan I/33 Cikokol, Tangerang

1.      Writing letter of business for civil engineering

2.      Writing proposal about civil engineering business

Design services for the redevelopment of a vacant building totaling 70,000 square feet into a medical office facility.
The intent of this RFP is to have the firms under consideration specifically address the services required and provide a well-considered price proposal for those services.
The owner is looking for a "turnkey" approach, where the architecture firm will provide the following (not listed in order of preference):
1. A conceptual plan for the building, incorporating the latest thinking in the field concerning office requirements.
2. Recommendations relative to the installation of different building systems (e.g., heat pumps vs. VAV).
3. Specific conceptual drawings and detailed engineering and construction drawings that will serve as the basis for both bidding and construction by a general contractor.
4. Help with selection of construction firms that should be given an opportunity to bid on the project based on their reputation for quality, their experience (previous medical projects are given specific attention), their reputation for on-time and on-budget performance, and their financial credibility.
5. Preparation of necessary bid documents to be sent to construction firms for the project.
6. Review of the bids received to assess the relative merits of each and assist the owner in awarding the contract, as well as in preparing (from a business perspective) an appropriate contract (owner will have legal representation) if standard AIA Contract Documents are not used.
7. Preparation of certain marketing materials for a pre-leasing and post-completion leasing effort (e.g., renderings, both interior and exterior).
8. Develop a standard fit-out package for tenants and a budget for each tenant, with pricing for custom add-ons and the standard fit-out.
9. Regular site observations of the contractor and subcontractors during the construction phase, and sign off on construction drawings to assure that scheduled payments are made, with appropriate holdbacks, when predetermined work has been completed.
10. Assistance, where necessary, with the government approval process (i.e., permits).

11. Final sign-off on the project, assuring that the final project represents what was originally conceptualized and captured in the working drawings.
12. Some work on the building has already been done, including a complete upgrade of the elevators and the lobby. In process is a complete renovation of the roof. These items are excluded from the RFP.
13. This project is expected to be completed by _____________.
14. The existing facility will be available for inspection between the dates of _______ and _________. Please call to make an appointment.

As this proposal covers new construction and renovations and additions to an existing building, please answer the questions providing information to support new construction, additions, and renovations.
1. Provide the following information:
a. Name of firm
b. Complete address
c. Contact person
d. Telephone number
e. Fax number
f. Internet address
g. E-mail address
2. Provide a General Statement of Qualifications that responds to the project background information given above.
3. Personnel
a. List the professional and support positions and number of personnel in each position.
b. Provide an organizational chart, including resumes of all personnel who would be committed to this project. Provide specific information as to their experience on projects similar to this one. For the project manager and project architects identified as part of the project team, provide the name and phone number of two (three, four, your call) clients with whom the architect has worked on a similar building project.
c. List professional consultants outside your firm whom you propose would provide services not available in your firm. Provide specific information documenting their work on similar projects.
4. Medical Office Facilities
a. Submit a list of all health care-related projects your firm currently has in progress and the status of each.
b. For your last five health care projects, provide the following:
1) Name of project
2) Client contact
3) Owner’s total initial budget
4) Total project cost
i. Number of change orders
ii. Total cost of change orders
5) Date of bid
6) Scheduled completion date
7) Actual completion date
c. List your three best projects and the project personnel, including consultants, for those projects.
d. Describe the exceptional features of health care facilities designed by your firm.
e. Explain your firm’s medical technology expertise.
5. Special Design Concerns
a. Explain how your firm ensures compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Provide examples.
b. Efficient energy usage is a concern of the corporation. Describe how your firm incorporates this aspect of design into its work. Provide examples.
6. Architectural/Engineering Service
a. Provide information on your current workload and how you would accommodate this project.
b. Describe in detail the process you would follow from schematic approval through approval of the final design.
c. Outline the design schedule you would implement to meet the expected construction and occupancy dates. Describe the methods you would use to maintain this schedule.
d. Describe your method for consensus building, including your role, the methodology employed, the outcome, and a contact person for a recent project where you employed this method.
e. Describe the types of problems you have encountered on similar projects, and explain what you did to resolve the problems and what you would do differently to avoid such problems on future projects.
f. Describe how your firm can add value to this project and the process and include examples of situations from comparable projects where the owner realized tangible value.
7. Construction Costs
a. Describe cost control methods you use and how you establish cost estimates. Include information on determining costs associated with construction in existing facilities.
b. List the steps in your standard change order procedure.
8. Legal Concerns
a. Explain the circumstances and outcome of any litigation, arbitration, or claims filed against your company by a health care client or any of the same you have filed against a health care client.
b. Explain the circumstances and outcome of any litigation, arbitration, or claims filed against your company by any client other than a health care client or any of the same you have filed.
c. Explain your General Liability Insurance coverage.
d. Explain your Professional Liability Insurance coverage.
9. Fees
a. Provide information on your preliminary fee structure based on the scope indicated above, including anticipated reimbursable costs.
b. Submit a schedule of hourly rates by employee classification, including terms and rates of overtime for additional work if requested.

For More Information on This Topic
See also “Project Delivery Options,” by Philip G. Bernstein, FAIA, The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 13th edition, Chapter 10, page 257. The Handbook can be ordered from the AIA Bookstore by calling 800-242-3837 (option 4), by sending an e-mail to, or by visiting
More Best Practices
The following AIA Best Practices provide additional information related to this topic:
03.02.02 Sample Request for Qualifications Format
05.02.01 Educating the Client
05.03.01 Qualifications-Based vs. Low-Bid Contractor Selection
The AIA welcomes member feedback on Best Practice articles. To provide feedback on this article, please contact
Key Terms
• Practice
• Marketing
• Marketing plans
• Request for prop

3.      Memo writing about civil engineering business

WASHINGTON, DC 20314-1000
SUBJECT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Review Board (CWRB) Expectations
and Guidelines
1. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Planning Program must be managed in an organized and
coherent fashion, in accordance with the "Planning" tenet of the Corp's Planning Modernization
initiative. To fully realize the "Program" tenet, all elements of the agency must produce clearly
supported, risk informed, high quality, policy compliant and well written documentation,
resulting in policy and legally compliant decision documents. This memorandum addresses
enterprise standards and procedures to enable the execution of organized and predictive
management of studies through the Civil Works Review Board (CWRB) process.
2. The Division Commander's submittal of a final study report initiates a series of Washingtonlevel
actions, including a CWRB, which culminate in a Chiefs Report. Following consideration
by the Administration and Congress, most Chiefs Reports result in authorization of the
recommended project. The purpose of this memorandum is to emphasize required standards
regarding the district commander's final report package, the Division Commander's endorsement
of the final report package, and the preparations for a successful CWRB.
3. Districts are responsible for developing study documents in accordance with the procedures
and policies set forth in applicable USACE engineering regulations and circulars. EC 1165-2-
214 mandates that all required reviews, with the exception of the USACE policy compliance
review, be completed before the District Commander signs the final feasibility report. By
endorsing the final report package to HQUSACE, the MSC Commander is confirming that the
division staff has reviewed the report, it complies with all applicable policies and laws in place at
the time of its completion and he or she concurs with the findings and recommendations of the
District Commander. Because of the necessary independent nature of the Divisions' quality
assurance function, the MSC review of the final report will not be concurrent with the
HQUSACE policy review.
4. The duty of the HQUSACE policy review team is to ensure that the final feasibility report is
ready for immediate release upon completion of the CWRB. To accomplish this, the policy
review team is provided up to six weeks prior to the CWRB during, which it assesses the final
report package to identify any key concerns with the documentation, and to work with the
vertical team to resolve those concerns.

SUBJECT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Review Board (CWRB) Expectations
and Guidelines
5. As a result of multiple experiences where delayed, incomplete, or poor quality final study
report submittal packages have compromised the completion of a full and adequate assessment
prior to the scheduled CWRB, USACE Civil Works Directorate will no longer calendar a
project-specific CWRB date and time until a complete MSC Final Report Submittal Package, as
required by either Exhibit H-7 ofER 1105-2-100 or Planning Bulletin PB 2013-03-Reissue, has
been logged into the Office of Water Project Review (OWPR). The HQUSACE Regional
Integration Team (RIT) will ensure the adequacy of the MSC Final Report Submittal Package.
6. Once a complete MSC Final Report Submittal Package is logged for review, a tentative
CWRB date will be identified within 60 days of the log-in date. Enabled by higher quality final
report package submissions, the OWPR goal will be to complete the pre-CWRB review
assessment within 30 days. In all cases, the OWPR Team will complete its assessment and
resolution of any identified issues within 42 days of the log-in date, unless exempted by the
Director of Civil Works (DCW) due to excessive work load. If issues are not resolved by the
completion of the assessment, the report will be returned to the MSC for additional work and
revision. However, in order to ensure organized scheduling and consistent program
management, no reviews or CWRB dates for a project will be prioritized over previous
commitments to another project without the approval of the Deputy Commanding General for
Civil and Emergency Operations (DCG-CEO) or the DCW.
7. The CWRB date and time will only be confirmed after the OWPR policy assessment is
complete and the CWRB Panel, including either the DCG-CEO or DCW, have been pre-briefed
and concur with finalizing the schedule for the CWRB. In all cases, the OWPR Team will brief
the DCG-CEO and DCW within 50 days of receipt of the Final Report Submittal Package.
CWRB dates will normally be scheduled within two to three weeks of the CWRB Panel prebrief.
The goal is that all CWRBs will be scheduled and executed no more than 60 days
following log-in of the complete MSC Final Report Submittal Package.

Great Lakes and Ohio River Division, CELRD
Mississippi Valley Division, CEMVD
North Atlantic Division, CENAD
Northwestern Division, CENWD
Pacific Ocean Division, CEPOD
South Atlantic Division, CESAD
South Pacific Division, CESPD
Southwestern Division, CESWD

Major General, USA
Deputy Commanding Gen ral
for Civil and Emergency Operations


4.      Facture writing about civil engineering business



October 15, 2013

Mr. Ryan Dahlke, P.E.

Consultant Design Engineer

Montana Department of Transportation

2701 Prospect Ave.

P.O. Box 201001

Helena, MT59620-1001

Professional Services                                                  INVOICE #:         284                                   

NH 2-10(32)0                                                            
Big Sky Country – North                                           PROJECT NO:      9900
CN 4089

In accordance with the agreement dated July 5, 2009, between the State of Montana and Great Engineers, Inc.
Services from August 31, 2010 through September 30, 2010

Total Amount of contract                                           $131,944.00
Project Completion                                                                  98%

Total Amount Earned to Date                                                $130,174.54

Total Amount Billed Previously                                 ($129,737.85)

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS BILLING                      $436.69

I hereby certify this claim is correct and just in all respects and that payment or credit has not been received.  I further certify all subconsultant claims included with this claim are the result of a legally executed subconsultant agreement that contains all the requirements of the contract between MDT and this firm:

                                                                                    This claim contains no
MaryJones, Accounting                                              unallowable costs under
Great Engineers, Inc.                                                  48 CFR 31.2

For any questions regarding this invoice contact                                   at Tel #                       





Invoice No:       284

 Project No:      9900

 Date:     October 15, 2010

NH 2-10(32)0
Big Sky Country – North
CN 3089
                                                                                           Invoice                 Cumulative

LABOR                                                                              $35.50                 $31,510.65
OVERHEAD 145%                                                             51.48                   45,690.44
                                                                                    --------------                   -------------
SUBTOTAL LABOR                                                                    $86.98                 $77,201.09
                                                                                    --------------                   -------------
SUBCONSULTANTS (Invoices Attached)                    $464.40                 $40,446.59
                                                                                    --------------                   -------------
DIRECT EXPENSE                                                            $0.00                 $3,387.86
                                                                                    --------------                   -------------
TOTAL COSTS                                                                $551.38              $121,035.54
                                                                                    --------------                   -------------
FIXED FEE (% OF LABOR)                                                        $10.44                   $9,139.00
                                                                                    --------------                   -------------
TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE                                       $561.82              $130,174.54



DBE and Non- DBE Subconsultants
Date Paid
Amount Paid





                                                                                                        Invoice No:      284
                                                                                                         Project No:    9900
                                                                                                       Date:  October 15, 2010
NH 2-10(32)0
Big Sky Country – North
CN 3089


PROJECT MANAGER                     BillJones                 1.00    $24.00           $24.00

CIVIL ENGINEER II                                   EdBlake                  0.00     22.00               0.00

CIVIL ENGINEER II                                   FloSmith                 0.00     22.00               0.00

DESIGNER/DRAFTSMAN              Rick Deeds             0.00     14.00               0.00

SECRETARY/CLERICAL               Bob Able                 1.00     11.50             11.50

DIRECT EXPENSE                                                              This                
                                                                                           Invoice               Cumulative
Computer (rate/hour)                                                              0.00                        0.00
Title Commitments                                                                 0.00                        0.00
Federal Express & Postage                                                     0.00                    216.02
Mileage (rate/mile)                                                                  0.00                        0.00
Lodging (# of nights for this invoice)                                     0.00                 1,160.91
Photo Processing and Reproduction                                       0.00                    975.32
Supplies for Sampling                                                             0.00                      39.07
Meals                                                                                       0.00                    246.80
Phone                                                                                      0.00                    199.74
Plan Review Fee                                                                     0.00                    550.00
Itemize additional Direct Expenses as appropriate
                                                                                              -------                   -----------
TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSE                                                          $0.00                 $3,387.86



GREAT ENGINEERS INC.                                                                                  
                                                                                                        Invoice No:      284
                                                                                                         Project No:    9900
                                                                                                       Date:  October 15, 2010
NH 2-10(32)0

Big Sky Country – North

CN 3089
                                                                                    This                                                           SUBCONSULTANT SERVICES                                    Invoice             Cumulative

DHC Engineering (Geotechnical)                                         $0.00                $7,533.61

Acme Surveying (Land Surveys)                                        464.40                10,593.89

B&L Company (Landscape Architect)                                   0.00                 5,369.33

BertBowman (Hydrogeologist)                                              0.00                 2.342.10

GusGordon (Backhoe Operator for Geotechnical)                 0.00                 1,080.00

Del Bowman & Co. (Mechanical & Electrical)                      0.00                12,513.66

BeverlyCox (Drafting)                                                            0.00                 1,014.00
                                                                                            --------                ------------
TOTAL SUBCONSULTANT SERVICES                     $464.40              $40,446.59

5.      Inquiry writing about civil engineering business

6.      Curiculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Chalioris E. Constantin, Dr. Civil Engineer, Assist. Professor
Personal data
• Family & First name: CHALIORIS Constantin
• Place of birth: Chios, Greece
• Date of birth: January 29th, 1971
• Nationality: Hellenic
• Marital status: Married, with one child
• Home address: 15-17, Pontion street, Xanthi 67100, Greece
• Univ. address: Democritus University of Thrace - Civil Engineering Dept.
Structural Engineering Division - Reinforced Concrete Lab.
12, V. Sofias street, Xanthi 67100, Greece
Web page:
Tel./fax: +302541079632
Education - Studies
• June 1988 Graduate of High School of Athens, Greece.
• June 1993 Diploma in Civil Engineering (5-year course), School of Engineering,
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.
Grade: 8.37 (84%).
Awards from the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.) and from the Technical
Chamber of Greece for excellences at the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th academic
year with grades 8.53, 8.21, 8.06 and 9.43, respectively.
• Nov. 1999 Postgraduate Specialization Diploma (M.Sc.) in Structural Engineering (oneyear
course) entitled: “Advanced Materials and Technologies for the Design
of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, Department of Civil Engineering, School
of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.
Grade point average: 9.10 (91%).
• Feb. 2000 Doctoral Diploma (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering, Democritus University of
Thrace, Greece. Dissertation title: “Study of the Behaviour and the Failure
Mechanisms of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Elements in Torsion”.
Grade: 10 (100%).
Academic career
• 1994-2003 Laboratory teaching assistant and associate in research projects of Reinforced
Concrete Laboratory, Civil Engineering Dept., Democritus University of
Thrace, Greece.
• Dec. 2003 Lecturer in Structural Engineering Division of Civil Engineering Dept.,
School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, in the field
of: “Experimental Research of Concrete Members”.
• Oct. 2009 Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering Division of Civil Engineering
Dept., School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, in
the field of: “Experimental Research of Reinforced Concrete Members”.
Teaching and academic experience
• Teaching in Civil Engineering Dept. of Democritus University of Thrace:
Undergraduate courses:
- “Reinforced Concrete IA” (7th semester – core course), since 2004
- “Prestressed Concrete” (9th semester – compulsory course of structural engineering option),
since 2004
- “Laboratory Topics of Reinforced Concrete” (8th semester – elective course), since
- “Design of Masonry Structures” (8th semester – elective course), since 2004
- “Testing and Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures” (9th semester – elective
course), since 2010
Postgraduate course in Structural Engineering:
- “Design of Reinforced Concrete Members” (compulsory course), since 2004
• Supervisor of 2 doctoral dissertations and over 30 undergraduate diploma theses and postgraduate
dissertations in Reinforced Concrete Lab. of Civil Engineering Dept., Democritus
University of Thrace.
• Member of the seven-member examination committees of 9 doctoral candidates in Civil
Engineering Dept., Democritus University of Thrace.
• Other related activities:
- Instructor in seminars of Technical Chamber of Greece, Centre of Employment Opportunities
(K.E.K.) and National Institute of Employment Opportunities (I.E.K.), since 1993.
- Lectures in meetings organized by Technical Chamber of Greece, on subjects in the field
of EuroCode 2 and design of reinforced concrete structures, since 1996.
- Member of the educational personnel of the Training Institute (IN.EP.) of National Centre
for Public Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.) for the continuous train3
ing (via seminars) of the Engineers of the public services and local government, on subjects
in the field of construction materials, in-situ testing, capacity assessment, repair and
strengthening techniques of existing reinforced concrete structures, since 2003.
- Member of the three-member examination committees of Technical Chamber of Greece
(East-Macedonian Dept.) for examining and awarding professional licenses of civil engineers,
since 2007.
Reviewer in the following refereed journals:
• Engineering Structures
• Advances in Engineering Software
• Cement and Concrete Composites
• Composite Structures
• Steel and Composite Structures
• Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE
• Computers and Concrete
• Scientific Research and Essays
• World Applied Science Journal
and in the 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2008), Southampton,
UK, July 2008.
Research projects
- Scientist in charge of the postgraduate course programme of Structural Engineering Division,
Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, since 2010.
- Scientist in charge and member of teams of research programmes in Department of Civil
Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace concerning laboratory tests of concrete subassemblages,
seismic assessment and in-situ testing of special buildings and pre-seismic safety
evaluation of buildings, since 1994.
Professional activity
- Member of Technical Chamber of Greece since 1993.
- Designer of buildings, special structures, capacity assessment and rehabilitation of historic
masonry buildings and reinforced concrete structures in Thrace, Thessaloniki, Korinthos,
Nafplio, Argos, Chania and Athens (as consultant engineer in construction offices and as associate
in research project teams).
Research interests
• Design and analysis of concrete and masonry structures
• Testing of concrete members under static and cyclic loading
• Repair and strengthening of concrete members and structures (resin injections, reinforced
cast-in-place concrete and shotcrete jacketing and Fibre-Reinforced-Polymers materials)
• In-situ testing and capacity assessment of concrete structures
• Torsional analysis of plain, fibre, reinforced and prestressed concrete members
• Fibre concrete behaviour
Doctoral dissertation
1. C.E. Chalioris, “Study of the Behaviour and the Failure Mechanisms of Plain and Reinforced
Concrete Elements in Torsion”, Doctoral Dissertation, Civil Engineering Dept., School of Engineering,
Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, 440 pp., 1999.
International refereed journals
2. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, K.K. Sideris, “Effectiveness of RC Beam-Column Connection Repairing
using Epoxy Resin Injections”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.
217-240, 1998.
3. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Experimental Validation of a Smeared Analysis for Concrete in
Torsion”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 638-645, 2000.
4. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Capacity of RC Joints Suffered Early-age Cyclic Loading”,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 479-510, 2000.
5. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Strength of Prestressed Concrete Beams in Torsion”, Journal
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 165-180, 2000.
6. C.E. Chalioris, “Experimental Study of the Torsion of Reinforced Concrete Members”, Journal
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 713-737, 2006.
7. C.E. Chalioris, “Analytical Model for the Torsional Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Retrofitted with FRP Materials”, Journal Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 3263-
3276, 2007.
8. C.E. Chalioris, “Torsional Strengthening of Rectangular and Flanged Beams using Carbon Fibre-
Reinforced-Polymers – Experimental Study”, Journal Construction and Building Materials,
Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 21-29, 2008.
9. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, G.M. Sirkelis, “Local Retrofit of Exterior RC Beam-Column
Joints using Thin RC Jackets – An Experimental Study”, Journal Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 727-746, 2008.
10. C.E. Chalioris, M.J. Favvata, C.G. Karayannis, “Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints with
Crossed Inclined Bars under Cyclic Deformations”, Journal Earthquake Engineering and
Structural Dynamics, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 881-897, 2008.
11. C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis, “Effectiveness of the use of Steel Fibres on the Torsional Behaviour
of Flanged Concrete Beams”, Journal Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 31, No. 5,
pp. 331-341, 2009.
National refereed journals (in Greek)
12. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Torsional Behaviour of Reinforced Fibrous Concrete Elements”,
Journal “Technika Chronika”, Scientific Journal of Technical Chamber of Greece - A,
Vol. 16, No. 1-2, pp. 53-67, 1996.
13. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Repair of R/C Elements using Damaged by Seismic Excitations
using Resin Injections”, Journal “Scientific Review Ktirio”, Vol. C, pp. 31-38, 1998.
14. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Experimental Investigation of Fiber – Concrete Behaviour in
Direct Tension”, Journal “Scientific Review Ktirio”, Vol. A, pp. 45-54, 2000.
15. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Influence of Steel-Fibers on the Capacity of Flanged Beams in
Torsion”, Journal “Technika Chronika”, Scientific Journal of Technical Chamber of Greece - A,
Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 111-122, 2000.
International conferences without proceedings (invited papers)
16. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Smeared Crack Model for Plain Concrete in Torsion
and Experimental Validation”, ACI–ASCE 445, Shear and Torsion Committee, Toronto
Convention “Torsion of Structural Concrete: Recent Advances”, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 2000.
17. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris (both presenters), “Torsion of Prestressed Concrete and Steel-
Fiber Concrete Members”, ACI–445E Torsion of Structural Concrete Committee, Structural
Engineering Institute (SEI) of the ASCE “Structures Congress & Exposition”, Nashville, Tennessee,
USA, May 2004.
International refereed conferences
18. C.M. Economou, C. Prinou, C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis, “Capacity Decrease of RC Joints
due to Seismic Actions in the Curing Period”, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Paris, France, Proceedings in CD form, folder T2, file:
ecocdo.pdf, Sept. 1998.
19. C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Shear Performance of RC Beams using FRP Sheets Covering Part of
the Shear Span”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Concrete Repair, St-
Malo, Brittany, France, Vol. 2, pp. 809-816, July 2003.
20. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Strengthening of Shear T-beams using Carbon
FRP”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Concrete Repair, St-Malo, Brittany,
France, Vol. 2, pp. 775-782, July 2003.
21. C.G. Karayannis, G.M. Sirkelis, C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Repair of Reinforced Concrete Tbeam
– Column Joints using Epoxy Resin Injections”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
on Concrete Repair, St-Malo, Brittany, France, Vol. 2, pp. 793-800, July 2003.
22. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris (poster presentation), “Experimental Investigation of the Contribution
of Bonded C-FRP jackets to Shear Capacity of RC Beams”, Proceedings of the International
Symposia “Celebrating Concrete: People and Practice”, University of Dundee, Scotland,
UK, Vol. Role of Concrete in Sustainable Development, pp. 689-696, Sept. 2003.
23. C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Cracking and Ultimate Torque Capacity of Reinforced Concrete
Beams”, Proceedings of the International Symposia “Celebrating Concrete: People and Practice”,
University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, Vol. Role of Concrete Bridges in Sustainable Development,
pp. 109-118, Sept. 2003.
24. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Cyclic Testing of RC Connections in the Concrete
Curing Period: Influence on the Final Capacity”, Proceedings of the International Symposia
“Celebrating Concrete: People and Practice”, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, Vol. Role
of Concrete in Sustainable Development, pp. 319-328, Sept. 2003.
25. C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris (presenter), P.D. Mavroeidis, “Shear Capacity of RC Rectangular
Beams with Continuous Spiral Transversal Reinforcement”, Proceedings of the 12th International
Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM
2005), Malta, pp. 379-386, June 2005.
26. C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Behaviour Model and Experimental Study for the Torsion of Reinforced
Concrete Members”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Performance
Structures and Materials (HPSM 2006), Ostend, Belgium, pp. 459-468, May 2006.
27. C.G. Karayannis, G.M. Sirkelis, C.E. Chalioris (poster presentation), “Seismic Performance of RC
Beam-Column Joints Retrofitted using Light RC Jacket – Experimental Study”, Proceedings of the
1st International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (ECEES), Geneva,
Switzerland, Proceedings in CD form, PN.136, Sept. 2006.
28. C.E. Chalioris, C.G. Karayannis, M.J. Favvata, “Cyclic Testing of Reinforced Concrete Beam-
Column Joints with Crossed Inclined Bars”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2007), Prague, Czech
Republic, pp. 623-632, July 2007.
29. C.E. Chalioris (presenter), “Tests and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Torsion Retrofitted
with FRP Strips”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2007), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 633-
642, July 2007.
30. C.E. Chalioris, “Behavioural Model of FRP Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams under Torsion”,
Proceedings of the 1st Asian Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS 2007),
Hong Kong, Republic of China, Vol. I, pp. 111-116, Dec. 2007.
31. C.E. Chalioris, M.J. Favvata, C.G. Karayannis, “A New Method for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Old Exterior Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints”, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference
on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2008), Southampton, UK, Proceedings in CD form,
paper number E245, July 2008.
32. V. Tsioukas, V. Alexandri, C.G. Karayannis, C.E. Chalioris, “Photogrammetry as a Tool to Record
a Historic Building at Risk”, Proceedings of the 22nd CIPA Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Oct.
33. C.E. Chalioris, E.F. Sfiri, “Shear Performance of Steel Fibrous Concrete Beams”, Proceedings of
the 12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-
12), Hong Kong, Republic of China, Jan. 2011.
and 15 papers in National conferences (13 in Greek and 2 in English)
88 citations are known in books, refereed journals, research reports (in USA Institutes and
Universities), refereed conference proceedings and dissertations (dissertations in Democritus
University of Thrace are excluded).

7.      Bibliography

1. Bulletin 17B, 1982, “Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency,” Bulletin # 17B
of the Hydrology Subcommittee, March 1982, Interagency Advisory Committee on
Water Data, United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey.
2. Clarke, K.C., 1986, “Advances in geographic information systems, Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems, 10, pp. 175-184.
3. Chow, V.T., D.R. Maidment, and L.W. Mays, 1988, “Applied Hydrology,” McGraw-Hill,
Inc., New York.
4. DMA, 1988, “Department of Defense World Mapping System,” Defense Mapping Agency
Technical Report 8350.2, revised 1988.
5. Dragomir, V.C., D.N. Ghitau, M.S. Mihailescu, M.G. Rotaru, 1982, “Theory of the Earth’s
Shape,” Developments in Solid Earth Geophysics, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company,
6. Dunn, D., 1995, civil engineer, United States Geological Survey, Cameron Road, Austin,
7. ESRI, 1993, “Arc Macro Language,” Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
8. ESRI, 1995, “ArcNews,” Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 9.
9. ESRI, 1994, “Understanding GIS - The Arc/Info Method,” Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc.
10. ESRI, 1991, “Cell-Based Processing with GRID,” user documentation, Environmental
Systems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, California.
11. FGDC, 1994, “Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata,” Federal Geographic
Data Committee, June 8, 1994, c/o United States Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.
12. Jensen, S.K., 1991, “Applications of Hydrologic Information Automatically Extracted from
Digital Elevation Models,” Hydrologic Processes, 5(1).
13. Jensen, S.K., J.O. Domingue, 1988, “Extracting Topographic Structure From Digital
Elevation Data For Geographic Information System Analysis,” Photogrammetric
Engineering and Remote Sensing 54(11).
14. Jones, N.L., S.G. Wright, D.R. Maidment, 1990, “Watershed delineation with trianglebased
terrain models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 116(10).
15. Maidment, D.R., 1993, “Developing a Spatially Distributed Unit Hydrograph by Using
GIS,” HydroGIS ‘93, proceedings of “International Conference on Application of
Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management,”
edited by K.Kovar and H.P. Nachtnebel, pp. 181-192.
16. Maidment, D.R., 1993, “GIS and Hydrologic Modeling,” in “Environmental Modeling
with GIS”, edited by M.F. Goodchild.
17. Maidment, D.R., 1994, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
18. Mizgalewicz, P., 1994, Graduate Student, University of Texas.
19. NRC, 1973, “Minutes of the 60th Meeting,” Associate Committee on Geodesy and
Geophysics, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
20. Olivera, F., 1994, Graduate Student, University of Texas.
21. Ragan, R.M., 1991, “A Geographic Information System to Support State-wide Hydrologic
and Nonpoint Pollutant Modeling, “ Department of Civil Engineering, University of

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